brandon phillips

About Me

Read a little about who I am and what I do.
Bearded white guy wearing glasses and a wide-brim hat.

Hi, I'm Brandon

Welcome to my website! I'm a systems administrator and devops rookie from Colorado Springs, CO.

Technology has been a passion of mine since I was a kid and could use the family computer, and in the Summer of 2020 I decided to pursue that passion as a career. I started learning to program and build my skills as a tech enthusiast, and it all payed off in the Winter of 2021 when I landed my first tech job as a systems administrator.

Some Stuff I Work With

Python Bash Django Rust PowerShell

WordPress Lua Git C C++

Perl Sqlite Podman Linux Docker

I Have a Lot of Hobbies

I usually spend my free time programming, lurking the internet (I'm on a lot of sites, but rarely post outside of Mastodon), and writting. At the moment, my writting is limited to occasional blog posts on this site, which I also cross-post to other sites, and TTRPG content for my playgroup that meets every Saturday (mostly..).

Some other obsessions I have:


Find me on these other sites.


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If you'd like to support what I do online, and the content I create, then you can do so on Ko-fi or Liberapay, or just subscribe to my feed here on the site and share it with your friends. You can can also visit my contact page and find my various social links, and follow me there.