brandon phillips

I'm Starting 100 Days to Offload

I just need to f#@!ing write stuff already.

Just Write Already!

I've been stuck in a writing slump for a while, especially after launching this site earlier this year. Leading up to pushing the site to prod for the first time, I had several ideas for blog posts in mind, and of course, spilled them onto the internet shortly thereafter. However, after that initial spike in posts I quickly ran dry of ideas.

This also brought up several questions about what subject matter I should be writting on the blog, as this was initially set up as a "portfolio" site of sorts, but has also come to contain many personal things, like links to my personal social media accounts, and personal descriptions of myself in the About page. I've arrived to the conclusion that I should post more personal things on the blog, and I should starting doing that now and stop being such a procrastinating loser!

100 Days to Offload

This will be day one in my journey of 100 Days to Offload, an online challenge to write at least 100 blog posts on your personal blog within 365 days. The big challenge here is going to be maintaining a regular interval of interesting things to write about, however this is the goal. I've felt my brain atrophy lately due to a lake of intellectual stimulation. Consuming (reading, listening, watching) interesting things only gets you so far; it's been too long since I've challeneged myself in creating my own "stuff".

Carving My Own Hole in the Internet

One thing I hadn't realized until the Twitter implosion after Musk bought it was that my "mark" on the internet wasn't really my own. Well, I had written my tweets and posts my photos, but that "content" existed out on someone elses server, and I had no control over where it lived on the internet, and no control over how long it would remain there as a result. It wasn't really something that necessarily upset me; of course I thought it was generally a negative thing, it just made me pause and go "huh, I never thought about it like that." So, here we are. On my own "section" of the internet, posting things. I still don't "own" the server this site lives on (at least not yet, that may be down the road), but I have orders of magnitude more control over it and the content on it. I was really young when the wild-west internet dominated, and the web was literally only message bords, chat rooms, and personal websites, but I appreciate the idea more than I ever have. So here's my contribution to bringing back that era of the internet.